Learning Services

Requesting a Workshop

Learning Services Workshop Request Form

Thank you for your interest in a Learning Services Workshop! Please fill out the form below. We ask that you fill this form out at least 2 weeks in advance to help us schedule and prepare. If you would like a program or workshop on a specific topic that is not addressed here, please email [email protected] and we will work with you to create something to fit your needs
First and last name
I am a ...(Required)
Choose up to three topics you would like for us to share during the session?(Required)
Choose all the apply
Who is the primary audience for this presentation?(Required)
The first date you prefer for us to give a presentation
What times would you like for us to present?
The second date you prefer for us to give a presentation
What times would you like for us to present?
Would you prefer an in-person or virtual presentation?(Required)