Learning Services

Academic Success Certificate

Students study in the atrium of Exploratory Hall at the Fairfax campus. Photo by Alexis Glenn/Creative Services/George Mason University

What is the Academic Success Certificate?

The Academic Success Certificate (ASC) program is a self-directed program designed to help you improve your academic performance in order to achieve your goals. Participants complete an initial assessment and receive an individually tailored plan of workshops, audiotapes, videotapes, and readings designed to enhance academic performance.

How do I begin?

  • First, call our office at 703-993-2999 and request an ASC Initial Meeting with a Learning Services staff member.
  • You will be asked to complete the Learning and Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI) prior to your appointment. The link for this online assessment will be emailed to you.
  • During the ASC Initial Meeting, the staff member will discuss your individual circumstances as well as the requirements for the ASC program.

What are the requirements?

1. Take the LASSI before your first appointment.
2. Attend an ASC Initial Meeting in Learning Services. During this session, you will be enrolled in the ASC Blackboard course.
3. Attend three Academic Success Workshops.
4. Complete the Academic Success videos and journals via Blackboard Organizations (mymason.gmu.edu).
5. Take the LASSI post-assessment before the exit interview.
6. Attend an exit interview to discuss what you learned during the program and your plan for success. You will receive your certificate at this session.

How long does it take?

Allow yourself a minimum time commitment of three weeks to complete the program. Create a schedule with specific times and locations to finish the online videos and journals.

If you need further assistance, please call (703) 993-2999, email Learning Services, or come to our office in SUB I, Room 3600.