Learning Services

Knack Tutoring

Free Peer Tutoring with Knack

George Mason University is partnering with Knack, a peer-to-peer tutoring platform, to provide access to high-level tutoring services for select courses each semester. The best part? These tutors are current George Mason students who have previously succeeded in the same courses, and the tutoring is free for our students!

Knack tutoring is available in person or online, at flexible hours. Check out the list below to see if your class is part of this service. If it is, visit gmu.joinknack.com and sign in with your Mason NetID and password to find out more and view available tutors.


 Sign Up For Tutoring 



Knack Peer Tutoring Courses


BIOL 103 - Introductory Biology II - Survey of Cell and Molecular Biology
BIOL 124 - Human Anatomy and Physiology I
BIOL 125 - Human Anatomy and Physiology II
BIOL 213 - Cell Structure and Function
BIOL 214 - Bi0statistics of Biology Majors
BIOL 430 - Advanced Human Anatomy and Physiology I


BUS 210 - Business Analytics I
BUS 310 - Business Analytics II


CHEM 103 - Chemical Science in a Modern Society
CHEM 211 - General Chemistry I
CHEM 212 - General Chemistry II
CHEM 313 - Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 314 - Organic Chemistry II


FNAN 303 - Finance Management


ECON 104 - Contemporary Macroeconomic Principles

Global Community Health

GCH 270 - Applied Human Anatomy & Physiology I
GCH 271 - Applied Human Anatomy & Physiology II
GCH 335 - Applied Health Statistics
GCH 412 - Fundamentals of Epidemiology


GOVT 300 - Research Methods and Analysis


MATH 105 - Precalculus Mathematics
MATH 108 - Introductory Calculus with Business Application
MATH 113 - Analytic Geometry and Calculus I
MATH 114 - Analytic Geometry and Calculus II
MATH 123 - Calculus with Algebra/Trigonometry, Part A
MATH 124 - Calculus with Algebra/Trigonometry, Part B


STAT 250 - Introductory Statistics I

Knack Overview and FAQs