Learning Services provides Mason students with one-on-one peer academic coaching, academic success workshops, and online resources. Students can schedule an appointment with a peer academic coach online or stop by our office in SUB I, Suite 3600.
Peer Academic Coaches
Our Peer Academic Coaches are committed to helping fellow students identify useful study strategies on a variety of topics, from time management to note-taking. Students can schedule a free appointment anytime throughout the semester.
Academic Success Workshops
Achieving academic success depends on developing strong academic skills. Our Academic Success Workshops are designed for students to have a chance to learn, discuss, and practice study strategies geared toward overcoming obstacles that interfere with academics, such as getting beneficial sleep, taking effective notes, and managing time. Access our Academic Success Workshops page to view the schedule, learn more about the workshop topics, and register for an upcoming session.
Online Resources
Learning Services is committed to ensuring Mason students have access to online study videos, academic strategies, and information on-campus tutoring. Be sure to check our website throughout the semester for new additions and study tips!
SUB I, Suite 3600
George Mason University
Fairfax Campus
Mailing Address:
Learning Services, MSN 2A2
4400 University Drive
Fairfax, Virginia 22030-4444
Call (703) 993-2999
Fax (703) 993-2378
Office Hours:
Monday 8:30AM – 5:00PM
Tuesday 8:30AM – 7:00PM*
Wednesday 8:30AM – 7:00PM*
Thursday 8:30AM – 5:00PM
Friday 8:30AM – 5:00PM
*Office closes at 5PM when classes are not in session