Learning Services

Psychological Workshops

Mindfulness: Stress Less for Increased Success

Does it seem like you are always anxious about the future or get stuck dwelling on the past? Do you ever become overwhelmed by strong emotions? Do these worries get in the way of relationships or contribute to stress in your life? The Mindfulness Workshops will teach you skills to live in the present moment, increasing your enjoyment in life, by learning ways to cope with stress, deal with relationship challenges, and regulate your emotions.

Mindfulness workshops are open to all Mason students, no initial consultation at CAPS necessary. Each session has different content and you may attend one, many, or all. Registration preferred. Go to the link below to find available dates and to register.

Eventbrite - Mindfulness: Stress Less for Increased Success

Living Emotionally Healthy

This is a workshop recommended for students who may feel overwhelmed by circumstances in their lives and experience difficulties managing their emotions. Attending this workshop will help students who have a tendency to feel overwhelmed learn to cultivate self-awareness and regulate their emotions more effectively.

Living Emotionally Healthy workshops are one hour long and open to all Mason students. No initial consultation at Counseling and Psychological Services is necessary. Each session has different content and you may attend one, many, or all. Registration is preferred. Go to the link below to register.

Eventbrite - Living Emotionally Healthy


MasonCARES Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training (for Students)

Each year, approximately 1,100 college students die by suicide in the United States. To support members of the Mason community in helping students access assistance, Counseling and Psychological Services provides MasonCARES (Campus Awareness, Refferral and Education for Suicide Prevention), a two-hour “gatekeeper” training. This program informs participants of the warning signs of suicide and coaches them in how to talk about suicide with and respond to peers in crisis as well as informs them on how to obtain professional assistance. Participants of Mason CARES Gatekeeper Training will learn:

• Why people attempt suicide

• Warning signs of suicide

• Myths about suicide

• How to talk to a person about to suicide

• How to respond to a person in crisis

• How to make a referral

Students who complete the training will receive a Certificate of Completion as a gatekeeper for suicide prevention at George Mason University. Students attending the training for PSYCH 100 credits MUST be on time. Late student will not be permitted and will not receive credit.

Eventbrite - MasonCARES Suicide Prevention Student Gatekeeper Training

MasonCARES Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training (for Faculty and Staff)

Eventbrite - MasonCARES Suicide Prevention Faculty/Staff Gatekeeper Training



Please call 703-993-2380, email [email protected], or stop by Learning Services in Student Union Building I, Suite 3129.