Learning Services

Study Room Information

Ever wondered how you can book or reserve study rooms on campus? Scroll down to learn more!

Reserve a Johnson Center Study Room

George Mason Student Centers offer 23 reservable study room spaces in the Johnson Center. Choose from multiple study and lounge room set-ups throughout the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd floors. All rooms come equipped with a television that has streaming capabilities; all 2nd and 3rd floor rooms come equipped with a whiteboard and cable capabilities. Study rooms are available from 8:00am to 10:30pm daily.

Reserve a study room in the Johnson Center using this website to complete your group assignments, take a virtual class, hang out with friends, hold student organization leadership meetings, and more!

Questions? Contact Mason Student Centers:
Mason Student Centers’ Website: the Johnson Center
Phone: 703-993-2921
Email: [email protected]

Reserve a Library Study Room

George Mason’s University Libraries boast a total of three libraries with reservable study rooms including Fenwick Library at the Fairfax Campus, Mercer Library at the Sci-Tech campus, and the Mason Square Campus Library.

Please note that University Libraries only provides study rooms to George Mason University students, faculty, or staff, and that a valid Mason NetID (Mason email username and password) is required to reserve a study room. Study rooms may be reserved once a day for up to 4 hours per day, and all group members must understand and accept theĀ Group Study Room Use Policies.

Fenwick Library (Fairfax Campus) is open from 8am-6pm, and study rooms are available from 8:00am-11:30pm. To reserve a study room in Fenwick Library, click here.

Mercer Library (Sci-Tech Campus) is open from 10am-6pm, and study rooms are available from 10:00am-5:30pm. To reserve a study room in Mercer Library, click here.

The Mason Square Library (Mason Square Campus) is open from 10am-6pm, and study rooms are available from 10:00am-7:30pm. To reserve a study room in the Mason Square Library, click here.

Questions? Contact University Libraries:
University Libraries Website
Phone: 703-993-2240
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