Tutoring at George Mason
Tutoring offers students free, course-specific assistance to enhance their academic performance, regardless of their starting point. Free tutoring and peer tutoring in a variety of subjects is available from George Mason University’s colleges, schools, and academic departments. Remember, tutoring is a valuable resource to boost your academic success. Don’t hesitate to seek help when needed!
See what courses are supported through our partnership with Knack peer tutoring here.
While Learning Services does not provide content tutoring, help is available on campus in the following subject areas:
At this time Dr. Shalom Fisher is only conducting tutoring via Zoom. To schedule an appointment or ask questions, please contact Dr. Shalom Fisher using the provided email below.
Days & Hours:
Mondays/Wednesdays/Thursdays: 10:30 AM – 3:00 PM
Email: sfisher2@gmu.edu
Website: mason.gmu.edu/~sfisher2
Your Biology class may have a Learning Assistant who is trained to help undergraduate students develop a deeper understanding of the important concepts and connections inherent in the course material they are studying. Please check your course syllabus to learn if your course has a Learning Assistant.
Questions about Learning Assistants?
GMU College of Science Learning Assistants Webpage
Knack Tutoring
Tutoring for the following Biology courses is available through Knack. Submit a request online http://gmu.joinknack.com/
BIOL 103 | Introductory Biology II-Survey of Cell and Molecular Biology |
BIOL 124 | Human Anatomy and Physiology I |
BIOL 125 | Human Anatomy and Physiology II |
BIOL 213 | Cell Structure and Function |
BIOL 214 | Biostatistics for Biology Majors |
BIOL 430 | Advanced Human Anatomy and Physiology I |
Questions about Knack?
Tutoring for the following Business courses is available through Knack. Submit a request online http://gmu.joinknack.com/
BUS 210 | Business Analytics I |
BUS 310 | Business Analytics II |
Questions about Knack?
Free drop-in tutoring is available for students currently enrolled in general and organic chemistry during the Fall and Spring semesters. Students in supported classes should look on Blackboard for an electronic version of the schedule which should contain the corresponding Zoom URLs and tutoring locations.
Questions about the Chemistry Tutoring Center?
Chemistry Tutoring Center
Knack Tutoring
Tutoring for the following Chemistry courses is available through Knack. Submit a request online http://gmu.joinknack.com/
CHEM 103 | Chemical Science in a Modern Society |
CHEM 211 | General Chemistry I |
CHEM 212 | General Chemistry II |
CHEM 313 | Organic Chemistry I |
CHEM 314 | Organic Chemistry II |
Questions about Knack?
College of Engineering and Computing Peer Mentor Center
Peer Mentors are available in person and through Zoom Meetings. In-person sessions are held in the Engineering building, Room 2614.
Support by Subject Area:
- Bioengineering
- Computational and Data Science
- Computer Science
- Civil and Infrastructure Engineering
- Chemistry
- Cyber Security Engineering
- Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Engineering
- Information Technology
- Mathematics
- Mechanical Engineering
- Physics
- Software Engineering
- Statistics
- Systems Engineering
To see the full roster of mentors, their subject areas, and availabilities, please visit the Peer Mentor Roster.
College of Engineering and Computing Peer Mentor Center
Peer Mentor Roster
College of Science Learning Assistants (LAs)
Please note that your access to LAs will be dependent on your course and section number. (For example, a student in Chem 100, 001 may have access to an LA, whereas a student in Chem 100, 002 may not have an LA attached to their class). To learn if your class has a Learning Assistant, please check your syllabus where you will be able to view their name and contact information.
GMU College of Science Learning Assistants Webpage
Communication Center
Please note that all Communication Center appointments are 30 minutes long.
Communication Center’s Support Page
Computational and Data Science (CDS) STARS
Computational and Data Science (CDS) STARS Page.
The Economics Undergraduate advising and tutoring team has created a Tutoring Service in Economics Organization on Blackboard ECON Tutoring to provide virtual tutoring via discussion board and Blackboard Collaborate.
If students wish to have access to tutoring in economics for the current semester, please email econbsba@gmu.edu. In the email include your name, the ECON course, and the section number you are enrolled in for the current semester.
Note: The tutors are primarily provided to students in ECON 100, 103, 104, 105, and 385 sections. Students in other undergraduate courses may also request assistance from the tutors if the tutor has expertise in that course material. Priority for tutoring is always given to the students in the courses listed.
Questions about the Econ Department’s tutoring?
Economics Tutoring Schedule
Knack Tutoring
Tutoring for the following Economics courses is available through Knack. Submit a request online http://gmu.joinknack.com/
ECON 104 | Contemporary Macroeconomic Principles |
Questions about Knack?
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Peer mentors from the College of Engineering and Computing provide support and aid to fellow students in areas in which they might need a little help grasping concepts, following mathematical formulas, and understanding the reasoning behind why something is done in a particular way. They can also help students figure out strategies to finish work, offer tips on studying, tips on managing time, and tips on how to get started doing research.
Peer Mentors are available in person and through Zoom Meetings. In-person sessions are held in the Engineering building, Room 2614.
To see the full roster of mentors, their subject areas, and availabilities, please visit the Peer Mentor Roster.
College of Engineering and Computing Peer Mentor Center
Peer Mentor Roster
Tutoring for the following Finance courses is available through Knack. Submit a request online http://gmu.joinknack.com/
FNAN 303 | Financial Management |
Questions about Knack?
Information Technology
Peer Mentors from the College of Engineering and Computing are available both in person and through Zoom Meetings. In-person sessions are held in the Engineering building, Room 2614.
To see the full roster of mentors, their subject areas, and availabilities, please visit the Peer Mentor Roster.
College of Engineering and Computing Peer Mentor Center
Peer Mentor Roster
INTO Mason Learning Resource Center
The LRC, in Room 1305 of the Global Center on the Fairfax Campus, provides:
English Language Tutoring (speaking, writing, reading, and listening)
Weekly Conversation Groups to build fluency, confidence, and vocabulary
English Through Games (Mondays @ 2:30 pm)
American Culture (Tuesdays @ 2:30 pm)
Current Events (Wednesdays @ 2:30 pm)
Classroom Discussion Skills (Thursdays @ 2:30 pm)
- Individual and group study areas, including multi-media centers.
- A library of graded ESL readers, dictionaries, and other reference materials.
- Testing of oral English language proficiency for Mason International Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTA).
- Access to technology, including computers, learning software, printer/copier/scanner
Make an appointment online at http://intomason.mywconline.com
INTO Mason Learning Resource Center
Law School
Law School
The Antonin Scalia Law School at George Mason University provides many academic support services designed to enhance students’ law school experience and offer academic assistance throughout students’ time in school.
Academic support for JD students can be requested by emailing the law school’s JD Academic Support team at lawacad@gmu.edu. Available assistance includes:
- academic advising (on course selection, graduation requirements, etc.);
- academic assistance (with case briefing; time management; outlining; exam taking, etc.);
- review of exams to help identify areas of strength and potential improvement;
- connections to upper-class students for academic advice and potential tutoring; and
- help navigating life events, personal issues, or general concerns that have the potential to impact academics (including connecting students to law school and university resources available to provide support).
The Academic Support team also sponsors a number of programs and small group workshops that teach effective study skills and that are geared towards easing the transition to law school. Sessions include topics such as case briefing, time management, effective use of study aids, class preparation, note taking, outlining, and exam preparation.
Annamaria Nields, Associate Dean for Student Affairs and Academic Support, is also available to assist with any issue or challenge facing students in the transition to, or during their time in, law school. Dean Nields may be reached at anields@gmu.edu or at (703) 993-8174.
Further information and resources can be found on the Career and Academic Services Intranet, as well as on the Students Homepage.
Academic support for LLM and JM students can be requested by emailing Charles Lemley, Director, Graduate Student Academic Affairs (clemley@gmu.edu / (703) 993-8097) or Caryn Roseman, Assistant Director of Academic Student Success (croseman@gmu.edu / (703) 993-8397).
JD Students: anields@gmu.edu
LLM/JM Students: clemley@gmu.edu
The Math Tutoring Center will be offering drop-in appointments both in-person and virtual services to students currently enrolled in undergraduate Math courses at GMU. The Math Tutoring Center is located in the Johnson Center, Room 344.
The Math Tutoring Center’s Spring 2025 hours are:
Monday-Thursday: 10:30am – 8:30pm
Friday: 10:30am – 3:30pm
Saturday: 11:30am – 3:30pm
Sunday: 11:30am – 3:30pm
To access the Math Tutoring Center online, students will need to login to Blackboard, click on the Organizations tab, locate the Math Tutoring Center Organization, and self-enroll into this organization. To access online tutoring, click on Collaborate Ultra.
Questions about the Math Tutoring Center?
Math Tutoring Center
Knack Tutoring
Tutoring for the following Mathematics courses is available through Knack. Submit a request online http://gmu.joinknack.com/
MATH 105 | Precalculus Mathematics |
MATH 108 | Introductory Calculus with Business Application |
MATH 113 | Analytic Geometry and Calculus I |
MATH 114 | Analytic Geometry and Calculus II |
MATH 123 | Calculus with Algebra/Trigonometry, Part A |
MATH 124 | Calculus with Algebra/Trigonometry, Part B |
Questions about Knack?
Modern Languages
Please note that Foreign Language tutors are not paid by GMU, and as a result, payment for this service is requested of students.
Tutoring in Foreign Languages Webpage
For Spring 2024, tutoring will be available via Zoom on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 10:30 am to 3:00 pm. Email Dr. Fisher at the address below to request a Zoom meeting during these hours. Tutoring is available on a “drop-in” basis, but advanced notice is strongly preferred and appreciated.
Email: sfisher2@gmu.edu
Website: Physics Tutoring Webpage
Tutoring sessions are 30 minutes and are available both virtually and in-person during walk-in hours in David King Hall, Room 2047. To schedule an appointment, view availability, or to view the different courses with which they are helping students, visit their Microsoft Teams Booking page.
To see how to best prepare for your tutoring session and to view the guidelines that the psychology tutors must follow, please visit the Psychology Undergraduate Tutoring Webpage.
Email: jramsde2@gmu.edu
Website: Psychology Undergraduate Tutoring Webpage
Tutoring in undergraduate statistics courses with the prefix STAT (e.g STAT 250 001) is available beginning the second week of each semester through the Statistics Department.
For a schedule of available times and tutors please check on Blackboard in your syllabus, or call the Statistics Department at (703) 993-3645 during regular business hours.
Questions for the Statistics Department?
Statistics Department: (703) 993-3645
Peer Mentor Center
Peer mentors from the College of Engineering and Computing provide support and aid to fellow students in areas in which they might need a little help grasping concepts, following mathematical formulas, and understanding the reasoning behind why something is done in a particular way. They can also help students figure out strategies to finish work, offer tips on studying, tips on managing time, and tips on how to get started doing research.
Peer Mentors are available in person and through Zoom Meetings. In-person sessions are held in the Engineering building, Room 2614.
To see the full roster of mentors, their subject areas, and availabilities, please visit the Peer Mentor Roster.
Questions about the Peer Mentor Center?
College of Engineering and Computing Peer Mentor Center: 703-993-1511
Peer Mentor Roster
Knack Tutoring
Tutoring for the following Mathematics courses is available through Knack. Submit a request online http://gmu.joinknack.com/
STAT 250 | Introductory Statistics I |
Questions about Knack?
The Writing Center
Please note that though Writing Center appointment slots are one hour long, tutoring sessions last 45 minutes. The last 15 minutes are reserved for the consultant to complete paperwork and prepare for their next session.
Please visit The Writing Center’s Make an Appointment Page for detailed instructions about registering online and making an appointment.
View and access The Writing Center’s Workshop Schedule and Upcoming Workshops.
The Writing Center Webpage
The Writing Center’s Make an Appointment Page
Private Tutoring Options
Global and Community Health
Tutoring for the following Global and Community Health courses is available through Knack. Submit a request online http://gmu.joinknack.com/
GCH 270 | Applied Human Anatomy and Physiology I |
GCH 271 | Applied Human Anatomy and Physiology II |
GCH 335 | Applied Health Statistics |
GCH 412 | Fundamentals of Epidemiology |
Questions about Knack?
Tutoring for the following Government courses is available through Knack. Submit a request online http://gmu.joinknack.com/
GOVT 300 | Research Methods and Analysis |
Questions about Knack?
GRE Test Prep Information
GMU Kaplan Representative: James.Polulach@kaplan.com
LSAT Test Prep Information
(703) 993-2280
DAT, OAT, GRE and MCAT Test Prep Information
Kaplan Test Prep
George Mason University is now partnering with Kaplan for discounted DAT, GRE, MCAT, and OAT test prep. Kaplan’s prep programs are fully comprehensive with live instructions, realistic practice, adaptive tools, and books to help you know exactly what you’ve got to work on to prepare for the test.
For questions, reach out to prehlth@gmu.edu.
For enrollment details, visit the Pre Health Test Prep Resources Website